How to override spam settings Print

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Our spam filters perform several layers of checks to filter email traffic. Any email message classified as spam will be placed in the Webmail Junk E-mail folder.  It's recommended that user's check their Webmail Junk E-mail folder every few days.  If an email message is being placed in the Junk E-mail folder it's likely due to a black listing or poor reputation of the sender's email server and ultimately it's the responsibility of the sender's email service provider to ensure that their servers are free from any black lists. However if the sender's email service provider is neglectful in keeping their servers free from black lists you can do the following to allow the email messages through regardless of any black listing.

The default behaviour of Webmail is to place any email message classified as spam into the Webmail Junk E-mail folder. If you wish to change this behaviour you can do so by:

1) Log into your Webmail (
2) Navigate to Settings > Filtering > Spam Filtering
3) Click on the Options tab > Override spam settings for this account
4) Click on the Actions tab > change the Action as desired
5) Save

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