Webmail uses the Funambol SyncML plug-in for synchronizing calendars, contacts, tasks, and notes with Microsoft Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird, and most smart phones. Prior to synchronizing Webmail with your mobile device, please make sure that you have downloaded and installed the appropriate version of this plug-in.
NOTE: SyncML does not support syncing of contact images across devices.
Sync iPhone using Funambol SyncML:
1. Download and install Funambol using iTunes Store
2. Using your iPhone, open the Funambol application
3. Tap Sync Contacts
4. After the sync is complete, close the application
Funambol iPhone Sync Client Quick Start Guide: http://download.forge.ow2.org/sync4j/Funambol-iphone-sync-client-quick-start-guide-v9.0.pdf
Sync Android using Funambol SyncML:
1. Download and install Funambol unsing Google Play
2. Using your Android device, open the Funambol application
3. Tap Sync Contacts
4. After the sync is complete, close the application
Funambol Android Sync Client Quick Start Guide: http://download.forge.ow2.org/sync4j/Funambol-android-sync-client-quick-start-guide-v9.0.pdf
Sync Windows Mobile devices using Funambol SyncML:
1. Download and install Funambol using Marketplace
2. Using your Windows Mobile device, navigate to the Funambol plug-in (the default location is under programs)
3. Open the Funambol plug-in
4. Select Sync All
5. After the sync is complete, click OK
Funambol Windows Mobile Sync Client Quick Start Guide: http://download.forge.ow2.org/sync4j/Funambol-windowsmobile-sync-client-quick-start-guide-v9.0.pdf
Sync Blackberry using Funambol SyncML:
1. Download and install Funambol using BlackBerry App World
2. Using your Blackberry, navigate to the Funambol Blackberry plug-in
3. Open the Funambol plug-in
4. Press Menu
5. Select Synchronize from the drop-down list
6. After the sync is complete, close the application
Funambol Blackberry Sync Client Quick Start Guide: http://download.forge.ow2.org/sync4j/Funambol-blackberry-sync-client-quick-start-guide-v9.0.pdf