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Step 1:
- Open Outlook. If the Microsoft Outlook Startup wizard appears, on the first page of the wizard, click Next. Then, on the E-mail Accounts page, click Next to set up an email account.
- If the Microsoft Outlook Startup wizard doesn’t appear, on the Outlook toolbar, click the File tab. Then, just above the Account Settings button, click Add Account.
Step 2:
- Click Manually configure server settings or additional server types, and then click Next.
Step 3:
- On the Choose Service page, select Internet E-mail, and then click Next.
Step 4:
- Provide the following information on the Internet E-mail Settings page.
Under User Information:
- In the Your Name box, enter the name you want users to see when you send email from this account.
- In the E-mail Address box, enter your email address.
Under Server Information:
- Under Account Type, select POP3.
- In the Incoming mail server box, enter
- In the Outgoing mail server (SMTP) box, enter
Under Logon Information:
- In the User Name box, enter your email address.
- In the Password box, enter your password. If you want Outlook to remember your password, make sure the check box next to Remember password is selected.
Step 5:
- At the bottom of the page, click More Settings, and then fill in the Internet E-Mail Settings dialog box as follows:
- On the Outgoing Server tab, select My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.
On the Advanced tab:
- Under Incoming server (POP3), ensure POP3 is set to 110.
- Under Outgoing server (SMTP), ensure SMTP is set to 3535.
- Set Server Timeouts to 3 minutes
- Click OK
Step 6:
- On the Add New Account page, click Next. After Outlook tests your account, click Close to close the Test Account Settings dialog box.
Step 7:
- On the Congratulations page, click Finish.
Step 8:
- On the Account Settings page, click Close.