- Goto Google Maps APIs: https://developers.google.com/maps/documentation/javascript/get-api-key
- Scroll down to Authentication for the standard API — API keys
- Click GET A KEY

Step 2:
- Select your preferences
- Review Google's terms of service
- Click Agree and continue to continue

Step 3:
- Enter a Name
- Enter referrers (websites that are allowed to use this key - ie. *.example.com/*)
- Click Create

Step 4:
- API key will be generated
- Click the copy icon
- Click OK

Step 5:
- Using a separate browser tab/window log into your WSI Genesis website
- Navigate to Settings > Widgetkit
- Locate the Google Maps API Key field
- Paste the API key
- Click Save Changes

Also recommend:
How to add Google Analytics
How to submit a sitemap to Google Search Console
How to use Google My Business
How to create structured data markup